We celebrated 30 years of our existence!
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem celebrates its thirtieth birthday in 2021. However, its history is much more ancient. Higher education has been developing in the Ústí nad Labem region since 1954.
In 1954, the Higher Pedagogical School was founded in Ústí nad Labem, which five years later became the Pedagogical Institute and in 1964 the Faculty of Education. However, the foundation of the University of Ústí nad Labem itself dates back to 30 years ago, to 27 September 1991. It was then that the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem was founded with three faculties – pedagogical, socio-economic and environmental – and the Institute of Slavic-Germanic Studies.
“From today’s point of view, the existence of a university in the Ústí nad Labem region seems obvious, but its establishment was the result of many negotiations and persuasion that our structurally affected region deserves its own university,” recalls the Vice-Rector for External Relations, Prof. Pavel Doulík.
A bit of statistics
When the new university was founded in 1991, 2,082 young people were studying at the three faculties. In 2021, UJEP will have around 8,500 students registered at all eight faculties. In the year of its foundation, the university offered 56 fields of study; now it has 113 study programmes. In 1991, 312 graduates of the Faculty of Education graduated from the UJEP, and in 2020 there will be 1,316 graduates. After 30 years of development in the field of studies, with the exception of the youngest faculty (FZS), all faculties have accreditation for all types of study programmes, i.e. Bachelor’s, postgraduate Master’s and PhD.
From an initial severe shortage of academic and non-academic staff, the university has grown to over 1 100 staff today, making it one of the largest employers in the region.
“We have eight faculties and the UJEP has become a natural centre of scientific research, artistic and, of course, educational activities in the region. At the same time, it aims to become one of the main actors in the transformation of our region from coal to creative,” says the rector doc. Martin Balej.
As UJEP is celebrating its 30th anniversary, it has chosen the date of 30 September 2021 for the celebrations. In the more formal, academic one, the Rector of UJEP presented commemorative medals to personalities who have contributed substantially to the development of the University in the past years. The second took place at the brisk pace of the thirty-year university right on the university campus as a festival of music, entertainment, competitions and games.
“The main stage offered lots of interesting musical acts – Rocking Horses, Endru, Lake Malawi, all topped off with an after party by DJ Hrush. In addition, an entertainment programme full of competitions and games directed by the Student Union of UJEP and the ESN Ústí association ran from the morning,” said Pavel Doulík, Vice-Rector for External Relations.
However, the entire year 2021 is dedicated to the “University Thirty”, when the stories of the university’s employees, students or alumni are added to the Story of UJEP platform through videos, podcasts, texts and photographs.
30 years of UJEP: Ceremonial awarding of commemorative medals (complete record)
30 years of UJEP: Cut of the ceremony of awarding commemorative medals
Story of UJEP
For 30 years, we have been educating, inspiring and leaving a mark in our region.
This is only possible thanks to the people from our university. Some of them are introduced within the Story of UJEP (at this point, all the stories are in the Czech language only). These stories are made specifically to celebrate our anniversary. You can read them, listen to them, or see them in a form of videos and photographs.
We want you to meet these real people – scientists, artists, sportsmen and graduates, who you can meet in our campus on a daily basis. We want you to know their stories and who these people are, because that helps you to create the overall image of UJEP.
Podcasts UJEP
Thanks to our well-known project U21, which is co-financed by the European Union, a new university podcast studio was founded. We intend to use it to spread the information in a popular form among all the people occupying the halls of our university and beyond.
We are planning to conduct various interviews, talks and also to spread the word of travel possibilities for students and employees, such as ERASMUS + programme. It gives us a unique opportunity to show even more new faces and discover new stories.
Spotify and SoundCloud.
Illustrations made by Patrik Antczak
The unique illustrations were created to celebrate the anniversary by a graduate of the Faculty of Art and Design, Patrick Antczak.
Each creation is based on a story and in this specific case, on various stories of people. These people work here, study here or have already graduated in the past and they continue to live their lives elsewhere. Everyone is different, but they all have one thing in common – UJEP.
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Art and Design. Patrik
works as an illustrator and a graphic designer. He was awarded
a series of various prices for his ALFABETA set (2016) and
got nominated for a Czech Grand Design price in a category
of the Illustrator of the year (2019) for his illustrations
in the book called Left and Right (Emmemm Publishing).
He is interested in projects with the educational and
interactive overlap. He tries to help children see the beauty
of the paper and work connected with it during workshops, that
he organizes. He lives in Prague and he comes to the city
of Ústí to paint his grand murals.
Visual style designed by Jáchym Moravec
Jáchym designed the visual style for the 30 years of UJEP celebrations together with Patrik Antczak. It is him and the department of marketing who are behind the whole marketing communication of our university, which we presented to you in our #MYJSMEUJEP (#WEAREUJEP) publication. Jáchym has been working as the university’s graphic designer for a long time.
BcA. Jáchym Moravec
He graduated from the Faculty of Art and Design, atelier
of Graphic Design number 2. He creates brands, 3D computer
graphic and graphic design. For his project called
“vlajka.online” (an on-line flag), he was awarded the first
place in the Best in Design 2021 competition. Jáchym was
also nominated for the National price for a student design
(more than once) and he is interested in both commercial
and cultural projects). Recently, he moved to Prague from
Ústí and established a graphic studio on Žižkov with his
friends. He currently studies at UMPRUM and likes to return
to the České středohoří (Central Bohemian Highland).
Graphics for this occasion
University Clothes UJEP
The collection is available on the e-shop.
Media outputs
On 24 April 2021 you could see us on your TV screens on ČT 24 in the Sečteno Special. You could see our rector, doc. RNDr. Martin Balej, Ph. D., who introduced our university and our modern developing campus.
If you didn’t see us, listen to the recording at 19:33 MIN.
www.idnes.cz 5th September 2021
They were created on a green field. Universities in Ostrava and Opava celebrate their 30th anniversary.
www.regionusti.cz 23rd September 2021
The story of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University at the ELBE DOCK festival.
www.zitusti.cz 24th September 2021
UJEP celebrates its thirtieth anniversary.
www.regionusti.cz 24th September 2021
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem celebrates 30 years.
www.vysokeskoly.cz 27th September 2021
UJEP celebrates its 30th birthday. How was the history of the University of Ústí nad Labem written?
www.usteckenovinky.cz 28th September 2021
The story of UJEP at ELBE DOCK.
https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz 28th September 2021
30 years back: opening ceremony of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University.
www.prvnizpravy.cz 28th September 2021
The story of UJEP at ELBE DOCK.
www.prvnizpravy.cz 29th September 2021
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem: Celebrating 30 years!
www.usteckenovinky.cz 29th September 2021
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem: Celebrating 30 years!
https://ustecky.denik.cz 29th September 2021
J. E. Purkyně University celebrates 30 years, the Rocking Horses will play. For the last time.
https://sever.rozhlas.cz 29th September 2021
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem celebrates 30 years since its foundation.
www.seznamzpravy.cz 29th September 2021
The University of Ustí celebrates its 30th anniversary in a nearly completed campus.
https://zpravy.proglas.cz 29th September 2021
Expected events 30 September 2021.
www.idnes.cz 1st October 2021
Times are different, but you still need a lead butt, says UJEP dean.
https://ustecky.denik.cz 1st October 2021
PHOTO: Lively fun until the night. The University of Ústí nad Labem celebrated its 30th birthday.
www.impuls.cz 1st October 2021
Times are different, but you still need a lead butt, says UJEP dean.
www.universitas.cz 4th October 2021
J. E. Purkyně University celebrated its thirtieth birthday.
www.regionusti.cz 4th October 2021
UJEP celebrates 30 years! The Rector presented the ceremonial medals.