HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers)

UJEP received the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award (HR Award) from the European Commission on 3 June 2019. This certificate increases the overall prestige and makes our university more attractive to foreign scientists and researchers.

Benefit HR Award for UJEP

  • international attractiveness and visibility
  • links with a Europe-wide network of research organizations
  • increase the attractiveness of addressing researchers from abroad
  • benefits in obtaining funding for research from European and domestic research support programs (Technology Agency, Horizon 2020, etc.)

Benefits HR Award for researchers

  • guarantee of a European standard of employee care
  • ensuring open and transparent recruitment and a research committee
  • focusing on the professional growth of researchers at the beginning of their careers and supporting the personal development of all employees
  • creation of conditions for attractive cooperation in the field of research and development at UJEP
  • emphasis on continuous improvement of the working environment
  • deepening the partnership between researchers and the university

1. AWARD PROCESS 2017-2019
UJEP subscribed to the principles enshrined in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (the Charter and the Code) in November 2017. The aim of the university was to receive “The HR Excellence in Research Award” granted by the European Commission to research institutions implementing the HRS4R (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers). This strategy is rooted in 40 principles of the Charter and the Code.
During 2018, a GAP analysis was prepared, it compared the current practice at the university with the Charter and the Code. The analysis also included a questionnaire survey among R1-R4 researchers at the university. Subsequently, the  Action Plan at UJEP (hereinafter AP) was prepared for the procedure of implementation of measures aimed at fulfilling the principles enshrined in the Charter and the Code for the years 2019-2020.
All documentation was sent to the evaluators of the European Commission in March 2019, and based on their evaluation, UJEP became a proud holder of the HR Award on June 3, 2019, thus becoming one of the most prestigious scientific institutions in Europe. At that time, it became only the fourth university in the Czech Republic to receive this award as a whole university.
Outputs of this period (initiation phase):
·         GAP analysis 2018
·        Questionnaire survey 2018
·         Action plan UJEP 2019-2020

At the beginning of 2019, the Rector of UJEP issued a Decision on the establishment of commissions (Evaluation and Implementation Commissions), which monitor this process and supervise this process throughout the implementation of HRS4R. The way they work is shown in this diagram.
During 2019 and 2020, the actions of the first AP at UJEP were implemented according to their schedules.
In 1Q2021, the implementation of the HRS4R process at UJEP for this first implementation period was evaluated and two key documents in this area were created, the source of which is the principles of the Charter and the Code: OTM-R policy (Open and transparent recruitment and selection of scientists, research and development staff at UJEP) and Methodology for the Rules of the Recruitment at UJEP (within the action No. 2 AP).
Outputs of this period:
•          UJEP Action Plan 2019-2020 – evaluation of performance
•          UJEP Action Plan 2021-2023
•          OTM-R policy

The internal evaluation of the implementation in the form of the “Interim Assessment” report was sent for evaluation to the European Commission in June 2021. It included the updated UJEP AP  for next 3 years and the OTM-R policy.
On 31 July 2021, UJEP received an Evaluation Report from the European Commission (Implementation Phase Interim Assessment- EC Consesus Report) with a decision to keep the HR Award for another three years and with an approval of the proposed UJEP Action plan 2021-2023.

Outputs of this period (implementation phase): EC Consesus Report

The implementation of HRS4R took place within the project OP RDE U21- Quality research and development for competitiveness (U21-KVAK, CZ.02.2.69 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 16_028 / 0006240), the key activity of which is two to set the strategic management of the research organization in accordance with the conditions to receive the HR Award. This project finished on 31 December 2021 with sustainability of the HR Award until the next EC report (autumn 2024).

4. RENEWAL PROCESS 2024- 2026

In mid-2023,Ms. Vykoukova designed timetable of all activities within the HRS4R process at UJEP, which aims to Site visit at the end of 2024.

In the first half of 2024, a self-evaluation report is being prepared for the EC. This report reflects the progress of the implementation of the HRS4R principles so far: implementation of the UJEP Action Plan 2021-2023 from the overall and faculties views, development of a further UJEP Action plan 2024-2026 or evaluation of the questionnaire for researchers (cyclical questionnaire survey according to the first one in 2018).

There was established Working group for agenda of HR Award in September 2023 for strengthening of HRS4R at UJEP. This group consists of 16 members (2 from each faculty, first R1-R2, second R3-R4). The whole list of its members is here. It acts as an advisory panel for university management and  brings contributions from faculties in the field of HRS4R.
Outputs from implementation HRS4R at UJEP thanks cooperation within Working group are:

  • Fulfillment of actions from UJEP Action Plan 2021-2023 from the view of 8 faculties, see here.
  • Revision of questionnaire for R1-R4 in 2024 (cyclical one), see here.
  • Recommendations on priority actions for UJEP Action Plan 2024-2026 from the view of 8 faculties, see here.
  • Preparation for Site visit from EC at UJEP during autumn/winter 2024. Schedule desighned in summer 2023 is here.

The report “Internal Review for Award Renewal” will be sent by 31 July 2024. Afterwards, the Eurocommissioners will evaluate it both from an administrative and substantive perspectives and provide feedback to UJEP. If accepted, a visit by the Euro-Commissioners will be scheduled, expected term October or December 2024.

Outputs of this period (renewal phase):

Ohter policies and documents connecting to HRS4R at UJEP:


Further information on HRS4R at UJEP will be provided by:
Mrs. Natálie Kotvaldová
Development and Digitalization department at Vice-rector office
tel:++ 420 475 286 367

Assoc. prof. Vlastimil Chytry, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Development and Digitalization

tel:++420 475 286 210