UJEP offers help to Ukraine
Statement of the Rector of UJEP on the developments in Ukraine
“I join the Statement of the Czech Rectors’ Conference on the developments in Ukraine.
J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem has always defended and will continue to defend the principles of freedom, fundamental human and civil rights, democracy and peaceful resolution of disputes and problems. UJEP is ready, if necessary, to show its solidarity and to offer a helping hand to Ukrainian students and academics within its capabilities, as it recently did in the case of Belarus.
Here is a message from the Minister of Education Petr Gazdik to Ukrainian students in the Czech Republic.”
We are helping to Ukraine
The University of Ústí nad Labem publishes basic information about the types and forms of assistance to Ukrainian students and victims of the war conflict on the main page of its website. At the same time, it helps coordinate central forms of assistance in cooperation with the city and involves its students and staff in them.
There are 92 Ukrainian students studying full-time or in language courses at UJEP and 7 academic staff members (5 of them already have Czech citizenship). Although they are currently dealing with a difficult life situation, they offer their own help in working with refugees seeking help in our city and the Czech Republic.
“Solidarity is huge,” says Rector Martin Balej. “We are already registering over a hundred students and employees of UJEP who are ready to help the city and the region, especially in taking in families affected by the military conflict. These are people who speak Ukrainian, Russian or English and can interpret, help refugees with the paperwork at the authorities, etc.,” he adds.
Www UJEP also contains basic contacts for those in need in the field of study and psychological counselling, applications for emergency scholarships or accommodation. In addition, each faculty of UJEP has its own student ambassador, who can be contacted by existing and incoming Ukrainian students at a particular faculty. “Our counselling centre is currently registering 7 applications for extraordinary support from the students of our faculties and we will address them individually according to the specific needs of the applicants,” explains Alena Chvátalová, Vice-Rector for Studies.
UJEP is ready to release CZK 1 million from its budget to help Ukraine. In the area of financial support, the Ministry of Education and Science is helping universities in a fundamental way by supporting the study of Ukrainian students at Czech universities. The assistance concerns both newly admitted students to study the entire study programme and students coming for short-term study stays.
“Unfortunately, we have to assume that the war in Ukraine will not end any time soon, and it is therefore good to prepare for the fact that our assistance will be needed in the longer term,” the Rector specifies.
The faculties of UJEP are currently announcing their willingness and possibilities to accept at least 220 Ukrainian students into their studies in the form of internships, for example. “However, the willingness to help in this direction has no limits and we are ready to do much more if necessary,” emphasises Vice-Rector Chvátalová.
So far, UJEP dormitories have made a total of 70 accommodation places available for those coming from Ukraine. As an accommodation provider, they are involved in the Integrated Rescue System of the city, for which they have allocated half of their free capacity and are reserving the rest of the free places for the expected new Ukrainian students. “Currently, we have already accommodated 30 people from Ukraine, mostly mothers with children, in our dormitories across the city, and we are expecting three more families within the day,” says the rector.
UJEP can also provide accommodation capacity of 42 places at the Bukovina Training and Recreation Centre in the village of Karlovice.
UJEP also announced a Material Collection for Ukraine on 1 March 2022. “Students and employees of UJEP can deliver necessary medical supplies, non-perishable food, baby food, blankets, sleeping bags, mattresses or mattresses, hygiene items, etc. to the lobby of the Rector’s Office,” specifies the Vice-Rector for External Relations Prof. Doulík. The material collection will be closed on 11 March 2022 and then transported to the House of National Minorities in Prague, from where it will be transported to Ukraine.
The Faculty of Art and Design of UJEP is also organising its own collection.
On March 1, 2022, students of the Faculty of Arts of UJEP organized a protest action to condemn the Russian aggression and express support for Ukrainian students and academics. It was possible to buy refreshments on the spot and send the price directly to non-profit organizations. At the same time, an e-petition was published and could be signed online.
UJEP is also preparing an online charity concert “Ukraine, we are with you!”, which will involve the choirs of the Faculty of Education of UJEP and other performers with ties to the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Education UJEP.
Material collection
J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem is organizing a material collection for students and employees to help people who have been victims of the war in Ukraine. The collection will be transported to the House of National Minorities in Prague after its conclusion, from where it will be transported to Ukraine.
All those who wish to contribute can deliver the necessary material to the lobby of the Rector’s Office UJEP (MFC UJEP, Pasteurova 1, Ústí nad Labem).
Date of the collection: from 1 to 11 March 2022
Currently the most needed material:
– medical supplies
– non-perishable foodstuffs
– baby food, sunar, snacks, etc.
– blankets, sleeping bags, mattresses, folding mattresses, air mattresses
– toiletries – especially for women, toilet paper
– strong paper boxes – ideally ‘banana boxes’
The Rector of the UJEP appeals for tolerance
In response to the war conflict and the aggressive invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, we are all experiencing different intensities of emotions that affect our lives today. At such moments, more than ever, activities and ideas that divide society into ‘black’ and ‘white’ come to the surface. At the same time as we support Ukraine in every possible way and by every possible means, let us also try to see and understand the situation of all those who are victims of the war. Let us not accept physical or verbal forms of attack because of nationality. Let us build healthy relations, promote respect and eliminate hostility or hatred between members of different nations living on the territory of our republic.
Let us all contribute to mitigating the consequences of the war we are witnessing.
Students helping students / Учні допомагають учням
Contacts for Student Ambassadors, to whom Ukrainian students at the faculties of UJEP can contact / Контакти Студентських Наставників на факультетах Університету Яна Евангелісти Пуркинє (UJEP), до яких можуть звернутися українські студенти.
Faculty of Education / Педагогічний факультет
Martin Sluka, https://www.facebook.com/martin.sluka.33
Faculty of Arts / Філософський факультет
Daniel Trnka, , https://www.facebook.com/daniel.trnka1
Faculty of Environment / Факультет охорони навколишнього середовища
David Jiránek, , https://www.facebook.com/david.jiranek.5
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / Факультет машинобудування
Xuan Quang Dang, , https://www.facebook.com/MilanDXQ
Faculty of Social and Economic Studies / Соціально-економічний факультет
Lada Neškodová, https://www.facebook.com/LadaNeskodova/
– study consulting: +420 475 286 343, +420 475 286 361,
– psychological consulting: +420 720 202 477,
Extraordinary scholarships, applications, consultations
+420 475 286 343, +420 475 286 360,
+420 475 287 241,
– з питань навчання: +420 475 286 343, +420 475 286 361,
– з питань психологічної допомоги: +420 720 202 477,
Отримання позачергових стипендій, оформлення заявок, консультації
+420 475 286 343, +420 475 286 360,
Resolution of the Academic Senate of UJEP on the situation in Ukraine
The Academic Senate of the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem fully joins the statement of the SCC Bureau of 22 February and condemns Russia’s violation of international conventions by violating the integrity of Ukraine as an independent state. This is an unacceptable step on Russia’s part, which is contrary to international law and which threatens the stability and peace of Europe. The AS UJEP also expresses its solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine and with the members of the academic communities of Ukrainian universities and scientific institutions. It also calls on the representatives of the Czech Republic and universities to take an active approach and implement such actions that will support the students and staff concerned in Ukraine.