Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer

The Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer boosts scientific research potential at UJEP. It is a specialised department of UJEP established to provide university-wide support for knowledge and technology transfer activities, including comprehensive assistance in selecting and securing appropriate forms of protection of intellectual property.

Jan Evangelista Purkyně University has been a member of Transfera.cz since September 2024, which defends the interests of the transfer community in the Czech Republic with the aim of strengthening and developing activities in the field of technology and knowledge transfer.

CTTZ has the following activities in its competence:

  • commercialisation of science and research results
  • intellectual property management
  • technology transfer education
  • contract research
  • collaborative research
  • spin-off companies
  • know-how

Contact information:

Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer UJEP

Pasteurova 3544/1, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem

MFC-2.20 office

Contact persons:

  • Bc. Hanuš Petržílka
  • Ing. Michal Pácal
